Friday, January 20, 2006
  Leftwingers exercised over Abranoff truths

So many wingnuts got so excited that Jack Abranoff's donations would bring down the Republican party and give the democrats parity in the house and the senate in the next election. Now the proof tends to show that democrats got the same attention from Abranoff, financially speaking.

Whoa!!!!! Did not. did not, and you can bet your mamma's burned bra it did. Happen. It did.

Reid is as stinky and more so then the rest. Sure the MSM will protect him as assuredly as their ombudsperson will deny their lies, "Reid is pure" even though he took $66,000 plus in bribe money. But, but, but, he didn't get one dime from Abranoff. Yes he did.

Reid is a quiet spoken, Pat Robertson type of guy and he also happens to be a liar. He always has been and always will be a liar. Behind that religious mask that he wears, oh so quietly, Reid is a partisan politician that will lie, cheat and promote himself at every chance. He does it everyday over, and in front of, the democrat party's goal. He's a whoreman that's a Mormon.

So, Abranoff was an equal opportunity pimp, handing out money and favors to the little whores in Congress. Republicans and democrats alike will try to make this festering sore the other party's concern. It is their concern.

Fire them all. Let good and honest politics return to Washington. Then ideas will become important again. Cheap gamesmanship may be important to kos and his ilk, but a limited and a just government is important to the people that pay their bills, raise their children and want to be left alone.

To the activists that want more rules and regulations catalouging our every momemt and thought on women, gays, minorities, ethical situations, etc.? You're the office bully loser that builds yourself up by tearing others down through more and more rules, regulations and forms that do nothing to increase productivity, only your position, because others are trying to do the job.

God, and I do mean God, I hate you. I hope Saint Peter directs you to the bureaucratic line. You'll spend two eons and that is just to check if your name is on the list. Or you'll spend two eons in limbo. Bring a book. Something by Joyce?

By the way, look behind you. Abranoff will be checking his OTB card. 
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