Tuesday, December 13, 2005
  World to end tomorrow. Women and children hit hardest

Minorities are 79 percent more likely than whites to live in neighborhoods where industrial pollution, like the smoke from this factory in East Chicago, Ind., is suspected of posing the greatest health danger, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Editor's Note: The Associated Press obtained a federal environmental health database under the Freedom of Information Act and, with the help of government scientists, mapped the risk scores to every neighborhood used during the 2000 Census. A three-part series based on the resulting analysis provides an unprecedented snapshot of the social, racial and economic legacy of air pollution from America’s factories.

An unprecedented snapshot? Bullshit. It was a precedentd snapshot, a timely tic in the world of cheap shots. This report was driven by little bureaucrats who wishe to be big bureaucrats and reporters that want a Tookie. Is a Pulitzer that important? They just lie to lie and hope that some stupid Danish publication picks up their story and infects the world. Forget the truth, go ballistic, get the story. Screw the truth.

Listening to this is like scrubbing your eyes with sand. At some point you have to ask, is this just stupid or just redundant? To listen to European reporting is like listening to "1950" socialism's latest hits. Hollow crap. No sense, low land dikes with holes and failed policies.
There is a world out there that wishes to renew itself. Renew itself with freedom, no violence and a sense of hope for the future. They, these people, wish to be be happy, but this report is symptomatic of the media's refusal to report their desperate message of hope and simply continues to trumpet class warfare and class racism through stories such as this.
Yes, you're argument is hollow. BTW, the cold war is over. You and the communists lost. Awake now? Tired of putting down the "little" people yet? Okay, maybe you just dismissed them as too ignorant to perceive a concept like freedom. Your loss. Bigots.
At this point, will you tell the citizens of eastern europe that the fight was not worth the fight? Should they give up the freedoms that the United States helped give them attain? Should they go back to the dark ages? Dictators, death, no voice in their future, and hopelessness? Now you want to tell the same sorry song to the Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanistanis, Egyptians, etc, etc. Modern liberals, you are losers.
It is all the pagentry, the same "hate Bush" forget the people arguement that you spew each day. In short, this story says, Holland, Cleveland is screwing you, again. On purpose. Feel the love. Smog today and US directed death tomorrrow. We love ourselves and hate you. Maybe worse, we don't care about you.
The associated press couldn't find crap in a sty. With directions. They are way too amalgamated in their past ways. Unbelievable. Yes, they are. Liars.
Air pollution, not just for capitalists anymore.
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