Thursday, December 15, 2005

Where does one go to register for a refund for media lies? In fact, where does one go to have MSM reporters indicted for illegal media leaks? If they are killing troops, but call for immunity, where does one go? When does the adage that "I am just a reporter" , but my reporting kills my fellow Americans stop?

Remember Sec. Donovan when he asked which office he should go to to get his reputation back? Not one idiot answered.

Where does a serviceman, who's life is lost because of the media's right to report, go to ask for his life back?

Will the media answer this? No, they are arrogant cowards, and will present a thousand arguements to imdemnify themselves. Their edititors are even bigger losers.

I really think a line has been trampled, as in, crossed.

How did we let that happen?

A few other questions. Why are Congressional leaders, their little punk asssitants and administration leakers not being charged? If you think a "leaker" should be protected, you are an idiot. A father, a brother, a son and possibly a sister is being killed, by these leaks. No one says a thing.


Don't like the truth? Your diminutation of the truth gives power to the terrorists that are killing, yes, murdering, our troops. All you have to do is speak "Truth to Power" from your comfortable little home where you give power to the truth and you embloden a terrorist. You don't believe they read your crap? They transmit it around the world. YOU are murdering out troops, your neighbors, and your fellow countrymen.

Maybe, you'd like a leg or a toe or an arm to hang on your "Happy Holidays" tree. You rock. You have a powerful voice. You make the widow, the child, the believers in democracy, cry. You make widows weep. They feel you cynicism. They feel your stings. They wonder at you slings and arrows of Bu$h's war. And you feel so right. Because you care.

You have a mission.


Feel freedom. Let it sing, let it resonate in your mind. You could be human.

Ah, you have "issues" thus you can't.

How sad for you.

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