Tuesday, December 13, 2005
  Merry Christmas, Pelosi is full of holiday Murtha

Dec 01, 2005 -- 01:12:16 AM EST
Pelosi comes out in support
of Murtha. "We should follow the lead of Congressman John Murtha, who has put forth a plan to make America safer, to make our military stronger, and to make Iraq more stable. That is what the American people and our troops deserve."

But, but, but, but what about the mission? If our troops get stronger in another country, won't the terrorists get stronger too? What does Murtha's tactic (it sure isn't a strategy) do in the strategy of making the Middle East, as a whole, more stable and terrorism, as a means of intimidation, less likely? Did somebody forget the people? Will the NYTs publish photos and stories of all the happily dead Iraqi's who hoped for and then started practicing democracy? Maybe a tidy little editorial about how those Iraqi's just lost their heads over this whole freedom thing.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 30, 2005CONTACT: Brendan Daly/Jennifer
Crider202-226-7616Pelosi: ‘The President Has Dug Us into a Deep Hole in Iraq; It
Is Time for Him to Stop Digging’
Boyah, for a president who can't do anything well, this guy sure can dig and he did it all by himself! He didn't? You mean these posturing fools on the left helped him? Okay, maybe being in the union and all, they kinda just stood around in groups and over saw the digging while having a smoke and a Starbucks.

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
held a news conference today in response to President Bush’s speech on Iraq. Her remarks are
"What we heard today was a commitment to the status quo – a status quo that is not working.
"The ‘Plan for Victory’ backdrop against which the President appeared at the Naval Academy today was no more accurate than the ‘Mission Accomplished’ backdrop he used over two
and a half years ago on the USS Abraham Lincoln."The President did not have a plan for victory when he went into his war of choice in Iraq, and he did not have a plan for victory today.

The President did and does have a plan. Are you saying that because war plans change with the first shot that he had no plan or are you saying that you don't like his plan because he keeps to it or are you saying that because his plan is working, you're getting pissed off? Besides, if you are saying that Iraq is his "war of choice", does that mean you are no longer pro-choice?

"The American people expected that the President would do more today than
just put a new cover and 35 pages of rhetoric on old sound bites. What the
American people wanted from the President today was some evidence that he has
heard their concerns.
Yeh, he ain't hearing the people, but despite your best efforts, the people are hearing him. Finally! The people are moving in large numbers to a president that says what he means and means what he says. There doesn't have to be further clarification of what the word "is" is.
"Clearly, the President fails to understand that a new course is needed in
Iraq. The President has dug us into a deep hole in Iraq; it is time for him to
stop digging.
"He offered a status quo plan that would not accelerate the training of Iraqi security forces, would not motivate Iraqis to assume security responsibilities more quickly and bring American troops home."Instead, he suggested that we send more troops and spend more money in Iraq. That is not what the American people want.

Could this be that troops and officers on the ground have stated that they need more time to take security forces from a dictatorship to a free society that lives by law, not dictate? Uh, I thought the President was following “your” plan to lower the troop levels in Iraq. Not that he thought of that or had a plan or anything. This clearly.

"The President says that the security situation in Iraq is getting better.
But just because the President says it, does not make it so.
But Iraqi’s are saying it too. That’s right, they don’t count. They’re just little Semites, not important democrats just trying to take back their power.

"226 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq in just the last three
months. The Generals have told us that the presence of large numbers of U.S.
forces in Iraq encourages the insurgents. The President provided no specifics on
how, or when, the number of troops will be reduced.

Just to avoid violence, I’ll let the foxes know exactly when the henhouse is back open for their business. Okay? Personally, I’m checking out that cute little Rhode Island Red………

"With more than 2,100 American soldiers killed, thousands more wounded
grievously, and hundreds of billions of dollars spent, the President owes the
American people more than he provided today.
What he provided today was part of his evolving plan for the war in Iraq without giving out the aforementioned coop plans. Also, what he owes the American people is a STFU stick to smack you with.

"We should follow the lead of Congressman John Murtha, who has put forth a
plan to make America safer, to make our military stronger, and to make Iraq more
stable. That is what the American people and our troops deserve."

The woman is dumber than a Boxer of rocks.
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