Thursday, November 10, 2005

The War on Terror, i.e., WWIII.

Culling the thoughts of my family and friends, I have tried to succinctly place in my brain, their thoughts about the War on Terror. It is impossible. Being who they are and the disparate paths they have traveled through the world, they thoughts are all over the board. I can place a few thoughts, though not a listed priority of their thoughts concerning the War on Terror;

Little Bush’s revenge.
Big Bush’s fault.
What do you mean a lie? Yeh, like the newspapers are going to lie!
Bush said WMD and there are none. Period!
I’m tired of hearing about it.
Lies, lies, lies. I thought Kerry pointed that out. Are you incapable of listening?
Jews. If Israel can’t defend themselves, then maybe it is time for them to go.
Geez, Bush can’t even kick Iraq’s ass, anticipate Katrina or keep our gas prices down.

There are other variations, but the above mainly covers their pronouncements. These comments didn’t come from deep discussions or intense debates. They came from people I know and love who offered an opinion when asked. That is why I am so depressed. Shallow thinking in the shallow end of the pool isn’t exactly an Olympic sport; it is more an ABC, CBS and NBC sport’s special with Brent Musburger giving color and thoughtful insight about nothing of interest.

I used to answer that the world’s intelligence agencies and virtually all of our politicians agreed that Sodamned Insane had to go. That he held WMDs and would use them again. That terror had to be fought where it grows, not where it blows, and on and on. Now, I just pray each night for the safety of our soldiers and for their success against these monsters. I pray that if this is their Jihad, then I want their Jihad destroyed, smashed and crushed to never rise again. If this terror is but a small part of a peaceful Islam, then let Islam help us root it out and kill it. Now, I just make a snarky comment about those Joooos in the Whitehouse, just to watch their normally tolerant faces turn red.

There are those that say that Iraq is Vietnam II. Bullshit. I lived through that era. Did I march? Yep, because I knew we weren’t going to be allowed to win and I usually marched alone. We were winning in Vietnam and kicking our own ass here at home. To that degree, Iraq is becoming another Vietnam. The press is reprising its roll as the Tokyo Rose of Vietnam, dusting of all the reporting that turned our citizens against that war’s goal of denying communist expansion and replaced it with a nefarious goal of gutting Southeast Asia for its resources. Didn’t you think “No blood for oil” sounded just a little familiar?

These are just my thoughts. I know I’m just from a red state, but I think those here in Ohio that wish we were more like NYC are just as stupid as those in NYC that think we should be more like France. I came to a realization when I did work for many years in NYC that the biggest snobs in Manhattan were from little places like Arkansas or went to good, but Podunk colleges like Frostburg. They had to think that way to deny their past. I found the same in my work in DC. Little people trying to be big fish in a better pond just out of their reach. It was sad then, and now that our country is in grave danger from without and within, it is sadder.

I do not think it is little Bush’s revenge. It is his noble calling.
It may be big Bush’s fault in that he didn’t kill the bastard back then.
I do believe news outlets lie every day.
There were WMDs. Where did they go?
I’m tired of the bitching. If all we do is free 30+million people, good!
I am capable of listening; I just chose not to believe Kerry’s lies.
I am loosely called a Christian and I will stand by the Jews in Israel forever.
We are kicking the terrorist’s ass in Iraq, we did anticipate Katrina, but LA didn’t, and despite Saudi Soros’ attempts, our gas prices are coming down.

Oh, another bad habit, I love my wife and children. Very much.

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