Tuesday, November 08, 2005
  Voting amongst those that do not live here II

Voting is not only a celebration of liberty here, it is also a social event. Friends talk to one another, new friends are made, and families get together.

Last presidential here in our small village the locals were swamped by the students of the university in town. People were informed that it would be hours until they got to vote and it was already 9:00 PM. Familes with children were the first to leave. Then the elderly. Then frustrated individuals.

Not the students. They had professors walking the halls and the sacristry of the church where students stood or sat. At one point a student started swearing and I reminded him he was in a church. He replied, "Fuck you, it's a voting station tonight". As I stood to walk towards him, a professor asked to speak to him and he walked away.

Unscientifically, I would estimate that 40% of the local voters left without voting that evening. That left a large number of students from other states to vote for national offices, state offices, local offices, and local issues.

Was it organized? Yes. Do I have proof? No, but I was a student once and I knew what was going on. Funny, all the complaints about voting in Ohio never mentioned our village or any of the other cities, towns and villages around the state which are/were home to colleges and universities.

I'll see if it is the same this election with Deform Ohio Now issues 2, 3, 4, & 5 on the ballot. 
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Location: granville, ohio, United States

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