Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just returned from a Thanksgiving holiday visit with family. I got to see Duke and Memphis State play in a NIT Tournament in the Garden. The first game with Drexel and UCLA was better. As an American I had the opportunity to have a wonderful time and I did. My wife's family is loving. The kids were inspiring.

I also spoke with family members about Iraq, Afghanistan and the War on Terror. They are tired.

I am not. To defeat terrorism, we must fight to the end. I know liberals will want to use exhaustion as the reason to cut and run. That is their core belief--cut and run. Rub exhaustion into every wound. Don't you feel it? Of course, we, the liberals, can make it feel better. Oh, those bad feeling after Vietnam, it will go away, because we made it stop. Our soldiers came home and we ended that horrible war. That disaster.

Of course, millions of human beings were slaughtered by what we left behind. Mothers, fathers, and children. Slaughtered. A mother, father or a child got a bullet in the head or got to watch the other violated by rape, sodomy or blessed murder. That is the liberal legacy of South Vietnam. Murder, all in the name of peace. Humanitarians got people killed, actual human beings, all in the name of peace. Why dontcha give peace a chance? And spit on those that fought and came home.

Of course, the humanitarians don't want to discuss Pol Pot, Cambodia, Chinese cleasning, the killing fields, and all the whores created by the caring government of North Vietnam because women couldn't feed their babies. They threw off the yoke of American imperialism!!!! They intellectually won the debate. They just forgot about the people. They killed them. They are responsible for their murder.

Total victory in Iraq and Afghanistan is my core belief. Those opposed will ask what is total victory. Thay have to. They want a marginal loss. It would validate their thinking and their goals. America succeeding is a world at loss, because America is not always right, in fact, historically America is a bully. In short, to be a victor, through might or righteousness is wrong, because the loser, the little guy is always right. Thus, America, the strong guy, must be wrong. Gee, Guatemala is tapping their foot and getting antsy, just waiting for that "I'm next" place in line. Think Che.

What is victory? Victory is a place where terrorists pause and then realize that America will not stop. Victory is where we will hunt and kill them where ever they live and breed. Just as Christians and Muslims breed children that do good, terrorists breed children that kill, maim and destroy life. Terrorists, not Muslims, terrorists--that breed of worthless murders, are the darlings of the media. A breed of religion burglars that heist a religion, call it their own, and slaughter people in its name. I really hope we hunt them, kill them and tell future generations it will not happen again. In fact, try it and a guy from Kansas who just wants a pickup truck will hunt you down and kill you. He will, because he knows what you do is wrong. And, he is right.

No deep thought here, but what if we defeat terrorism on the playing field of their or our choice? Kill the leaders of terrorism? Destroy their base?

Isn't that what we are doing. Every day we kill Saudi's, Yemeni's, Syrian's, and on and on. The media wants to exclaim that the lack of victory is defeat. What horseshit. The media couldn't find its own heel if they poured the piss out of their own boot. They are stupid. Yes, they have an agenda, but who is listening, outside of DU and koskiddies. Nobody.

I am a quasi-Christian. Merry Christmas means something to me, so does prayer. Does Israel mean a thing to me? You bet. Biblically and stratregically. Those that now cry about the Palestians, you're a day late and a dollar short. Also, you are just a few minutes shy of screaming about whatever new "issue" you hear about. When you're bored, maybe you can find a reason to bitch about whatever the new "issue" is. You do not care about a child who only wants to be free, let alone a people that want to breathe the wonder of freedom. The cost is too high for you

People need their own. Arafat, before AIDs, put pride before living or thinking. Sharon puts sense before victory and western leaders put stupid before sense.

Get it right. Israel will exist in a form that will allow it to prosper and grow stronger. Palestine will find a home. Maybe the middle east will help, but so far middle eastern governments are jerking off and strutting their stuff, which ain't much.

Arafat was a terrorist. Now we have a few more terrorists, but they are dying by our bullets every day. That was the reason for the invasion of Iraq. To kill those that want to kill us, as well as other folks and to kill jihadists that want to kill common reason. It is not wrong to kill those that want to kill us and want to kill a plan to solve problems, no matter their skin color or their nationalistic fever.

It is so funny that twenty years ago we heard how Israel was a moral imperative and now we hear from the same people that Palistine is a moral imperative. Ben Hur vs. Exodus.

These proclaimers are losers. Hell, they are killers of hope. Killers of the future. Killers of peace.
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It isn't true the victor writes the history. Losers are, as we speak, scribbling fast.

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