Tuesday, November 29, 2005
  Lieberman - NeoCon?
Well, he is a Jew which means you can't trust him!

I have just returned from my fourth trip to Iraq in the past 17 months and can report real progress there. More work needs to be done, of course, but the Iraqi people are in reach of a watershed transformation from the primitive, killing tyranny of Saddam to modern, self-governing, self-securing nationhood--unless the great American military that has given them and us this unexpected
opportunity is prematurely withdrawn. . . .

Here is an ironic finding I brought back from Iraq. While U.S. public opinion polls show serious declines in support for the war and increasing pessimism about how it will end, polls conducted by Iraqis for Iraqi universities show increasing optimism. Two-thirds
say they are better off than they were under Saddam, and a resounding 82% are confident their lives in Iraq will be better a year from now than they are today. What a colossal mistake it would be for America's bipartisan political leadership to choose this moment in history to lose its will and, in the famous phrase, to seize defeat from the jaws of the coming victory.

I cannot understand people who do not understand how the media has altered our country's view of the war. They media has. They have altered our view to fit theirs and their editorial boards. Their views are anti-war, but also, I think, mixed with an anti-authoritarian view mixed with their hatred for President Bush. Bush can never be good enough because he is a Republican, the son of a Republican president, he feels the authority of his office, and his self evident reality which are based in a Judeo-Christian view of right and wrong. WOW, that pisses off the reality based wicca set. That and he is a male WASP. Ironic? You betcha. It stings.
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