Saturday, November 19, 2005
  Kucinich - Fraud Means Never Having To Say Your Sorry
or Their Lying Hearts

John Cole takes some heat from some KosKiddies for misrepresenting the real patriot's positions about our (un)just war on terror. Let's look at "Dennis the Menace" and his consistent position and his unwillingness to allow Cheney, et al, to bribe him into submission.

I will vote against this resolution because it is a fraud. What
more does anyone need to know, but that the sponsor himself has called for the defeat of his own proposition? If his real intention were to bring our troops home right now, why would he vote against his own resolution? Wake up

“The American people are fed up with politicians
say one thing and do another
. Every one of conscience and
intelligence knows the magnitude of withdrawing 150,000 troops requires a plan, and a sincere legislative effort.

“The American people deserve a real debate on Iraq: Where are the WMDs? Where is Osama Bin Laden? What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?

November 3, 2003

Kucinich brought the most applause with his call for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. The exit strategy that he released on his Web site calls for a new United Nations resolution to relinquish all of the Iraqi oil assets to the UN and give them the responsibility for creating a new government for Iraq, instead of leaving it under U.S. authority.

Backing Down

Kucinich, bowing to pressure, did not call for an end to the war in his much anticipated Democratic National Convention speech.

November 12, 2003

Opinion polls list him as a long shot, but Rep. Dennis Kucinich is making waves as he campaigns for the Democratic nomination for president. He calls for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, an end to NAFTA, and for universal health care. Join host Neal Conan and candidate Kucinich for a discussion.

Who's your fraud now, Daddy?

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