Tuesday, November 01, 2005
  Down the Road

Time was, even partisans would work together in Congress. Sure, politics has always been hard. Its been hard from Adams (the 1st) on until today. Just ask Jefferson, Lincoln and FDR. Though gutter dwellers tried to nip at the heels of greatness, that greatness generally held because of the integrity of the Congress. All Presidents have had their detractors, but the detractors were known for what they were and wielded little power. Yes, from the middle towards the end of the 18th century Congress wielded too much power, but they directed the country forward.

Today, Reid and his cabal invoked Rule 21 closing our Senate from us for their own gain. These unruly babies of the far left,led by the likes of Kennedy, Boxer, Schumer and Reid, have bent and now, are willing to break our form of government simply to regain their power to bribe and blackmail the populace to keep them in that power.

The republicans have forgotten how to act like Republicans. In fact, they are building bridges to a place called nowhere so they can act like the far left to solidify their republican power. The party has forgotten what Republicans stand for. Soon they will pay for it. Unfortunately, we the people, will ultimately pay for it both figuratively and literally.

I disagree with many things that President Bush has done, but Reagan's 80% commandment still stands, plus I truly believe President Bush has done far more good for our country.

We, as a country, must win the war on terrorism. We, as a country, must not only cut our budget (and pork), but also drastically cut our bureaucracy. We, as a country must also break the backs of those that use their personal hatred and mendacity to tear down our President, thus our country, as a means to their end.

The loyal opposition has been an honored place and a necessity in our country. The far left, let's be honest, they're progressives which is another way to spell socialist, are wrong in their goals and they are wrong in their means to achieve their goals. As a country, let us marginalize them once again, to back alleys and the posh suites of the smug elite.

Give us our Senate back Mr. Reid 
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